Scaffolding boards for sale at gilray plant

Timber from Russia & Belarus declared ‘conflict timber’

Both the world’s leading timber-certifying schemes – PEFC and FSC – have just withdrawn certification from timber originating from Russia or Belarus. Timber from these two countries may not be used in any PEFC or FSC-certified products.

We at Gilray Plant want to reassure our customers that all the timber used in the production of our scaffold boards is sourced from EU countries and our certification remains in place.

However, the illegal and aggressive actions of Russia will have an effect on the timber industry: both large timber-producing countries, Ukraine and Russia exported a combined figure of 5.5 million cubic metres of softwood lumber to Europe in 2021.

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EU flags

Brexit Impact on the Construction and Scaffolding Industry

As Britain prepares for Brexit, many in the construction and scaffolding industry are seeking guidance on how they will be affected. Although many questions remain unanswered, Gilray Plant has brought together what we know so far on what the impact of Brexit may be on the scaffolding industry.

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When Should Scaffolding Be Inspected?

Health and safety is paramount in construction and scaffold erectors have a duty to provide a safe place for their employees to work. With this in mind, it’s imperative that scaffolding is checked regularly to ensure that it meets the required safety standards. So, how often should scaffolding be inspected?

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A type of scaffolding in Construction

Types of Scaffolding in Construction

Your scaffolding affects the speed, efficiency and output of your building project. Find out about the different scaffolding types in the construction industry and pick the right one for your site.

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Scaffold operator working on scaffolding wearing PPE on a safe site

Covid-19 and Site Safety: What you Need to Know

Back when PPE just meant hard hats, goggles or ear defenders, site safety for scaffolders was a serious but simple matter. Now though, in the “new normal” we’re all living in thanks to Covid-19, there’s a lot more for scaffold erectors to consider. But with the right knowledge and preparation, it’s possible to create a safe working environment for your team.

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